COVID-19 Relief Donations


Pictured above: Mason Health Environmental Services Director Trevor Madison with Washington Department of Corrections Specialist Jeffrey Sanders, Mason Health Chief Development Officer Jennifer Capps and Chief Nursing Officer Melissa Strong. The Sustainable Practice Lab at Washington Corrections Center have donated more than 2,000 face masks to Mason Health. To date, over $60,000 in PPE and Gift-In-Kind donations have been made in pandemic support contributions!!

All of us at Mason Health are extremely grateful to the individuals and businesses who have reached out and offered what they can to us --- everything from hospital beds to face masks and medical grade supplies. We are very appreciative of your generosity!

How can you help Mason Health with a Donation? See details below.

During these challenging times we are elated to see our mission statement come to life: United Community, Empowered People, Exceptional Health. Our community is truly united right now and empowered to help deliver exceptional health care to the community. We are deeply appreciative. To date over

We are currently accepting the following donations:

Doc Donation1
Chief Nursing Officer, Melissa Strong, RN with a donated skull cap


If you would like to make a cash contribution, click the image below or here:


Did You Know?

Want to help others by donating to Mason General Hospital Foundation? The IRS has made it easier to claim charitable deductions on your taxes this year!

For the year 2020, the IRS has decided to allow taxpayers to claim standard deductions while also permitting them to take credit for up to $300 in cash-based charitable contributions made during the year to a 501(c)(3) organization like Mason General Hospital Foundation.

We encourage you to talk to your accountant about the CARES ACT. No matter the contribution, Mason General Hospital Foundation appreciates all of your support as we continue our mission of supporting quality health care in our community. Learn more about Mason General Hospital Foundation at the Foundation's website.


Pictured above in SEPTEMBER 2019: Mason General Hospital Foundation Vice President Eileen Bailey, holding check at left, makes a donation to Mason General Hospital Foundation, with, from left, donor Debbie Norgard, MGHF Board Member Ryan Scoles, Mason Health Event Coordinator Therese McCarthy, volunteer Ann Williams, Mason Health Chief Development Officer Jennifer Capps and MGHF Past President Whitney Jones.


Mason General Hospital Foundation Board Member Gives Back to the Community!

**As a special thank you, MGH Foundation Board Member John Bonin, Attorney at Law, will offer a free up to one hour legal consultation for those who have donated PPE. Must present Gift-In-Kind receipt. Subject to a conflict of interest check. Contact the Development and Foundation Office at 360-427-3622 for contact information.


Thank you so much to the individuals and businesses in the community that have given back during this time. The donations have included gloves, face masks, scrub or skull caps, and other personal protective equipment, as well as tokens of appreciation, such as signage and food.

The following list is not comprehensive, but includes donors who have given us permission to list their names:

  • Alliant Employee Benefits and Sr. Vice President Lisa Hunter
  • Anonymous Donors
  • Tanna Avila
  • Charity Burton
  • Andrew Davis and AVANT Communications
  • Dorothy Ford
  • Green Diamond Resource Company
  • Dr. Monica Vuong, Owen Kikuta and Nigel and Neyoli Kikuta
  • Rik Lewis, Healthcare Resource Group
  • Vickie Meadows and Chris Veblen
  • Hands On Children's Museum & Our Community Credit Union
  • Jolene LaCombe and Toys for Tots
  • Harold Moller
  • Northwest Custom Tees and owner Becky Adams
  • Dr. Brian Oleson, DDS
  • Michelle Olsen
  • Magin Pierson and Coty, Inc.
  • Lisa Ribera
  • The Shopper and Owner Jeff Neely
  • Shelton Dental Center
  • Shelton Domino's Pizza and Manager Jaron Garza
  • Thomas Straub and the Kitsap COVID-19 PPE Maker Team
  • Walmart of Shelton and Manager Dawn Shekunas
  • Washington Department of Corrections Sustainable Practice Lab
  • Washington State Hospital Association
  • Lisa Welander

**This list of donors will be updated as we get permission to publish names.